Jose Chaparro

Frontend Developer working proficiently with HTML, CSS, TailwindCSS and JavaScript.

About Me

I'm a Web Developer who enjoys turning UI/UX Designs into live working sites. My coding journey started in 2018 and quickly became hobby. I am currently growing my understanding in Vanilla JavaScript and diving into React JS.


In 2018 I enrolled and completed the University of Arizona 24 Week Coding Bootcamp

Self Taught

I've spent my recent months reading Vanilla JavaScript and TailwindCSS documentation and applying what I've read into my projects.

Tools I Use

HTML5, CSS, SASS, TailwindCSS, Git, JavaScript, React, VS Code, Figma, Adobe XD

Frontend Mentor

I enjoy using Frontend Mentor as a way of challenging myself with different designs and goals. I've currently completed 21 challenges and I'm currently reviewing / implementing the feedback received by other developers.


I take a mobile first approach on all of my projects. I am currently enjoying TailwindCSS and I begin by configuring my project based on the Figma files received.

Always Learning

Whether it's from Youtube or social media, I enjoy seeing what other developers create and looking into their source code.

To Do Project

Maker Pre-launch Landing Page

This was a Frontend Mentor challenge:
- Built using React Js with TailwindCSS and deployed using Netlify
- Fully Responsive
- Form Validation

To Do Project

To Do List

This was a Frontend Mentor challenge. The user is able to:
- Add items to the list
- Mark items complete, delete individual completed task and delete all completed tasks
- See the number of items on the list
- Filter between all items, completed items and active items
- Toggle between Light and Dark mode

Project Image

Calculator App

This was another Frontend Mentor challange. The user is able to:
- Do basic math operations
- Delete a digit entered
- Clear the input field
- Toggle between 3 themes

Project Image

Crumbl Cookie Desktop Landing Page Clone

I wanted to practive using SASS by creating a clone of the Cruble Cookie Landing Page:
- Looked into custom classes
- Tested myself with my class names to take advantage of nesting

Get In Touch


Gilbert, Arizona

